Friday, December 10, 2010


In 50 years, I see myself as an old woman in her early 70s that has Alzheimer… a woman who tries to recollect her memories… and barely remembers her husband and kids… I think I will forget my friends, some of my family members or maybe most of them… my hobbies…my favorite car…. My favorite color… what I was wearing the day before… and I believe I will be feeling like a stranger…all these memories would be worth remembering but I would trade all of these things with the memory of YOU

YOU are the only memory I want to have in my whole life… I don’t want to forget any single moment I shared with you… I want to remember your heart beats when you kiss me… your hand when it holds mine… your embrace… your tears when you cry on my shoulder… how your hand fits he curve of my hip perfectly…the look in your eyes… your smile… your laugh… your craziness… your madness… your grumpiness… your beautiful open-heart conversations… and simply… the feeling you give me when you are around me… cheerfulness and security….


  1. I love what you wrote Rana. I think many people are scared of losing their memories bc its not just their life... it would affect those close to them; but as long as there is one who can compensate for the loss and fill in the gaps, life will go on. =)

  2. Nanoooo love it sweety..
    I'm so proud of you my ll Star

  3. i love how u started the post and the way u mixed things together. if they person exists i hope he stays with you and appreciate what u feel <3

  4. I love this Rana it's so emotional and pure, just like you my dear :) x

  5. Ammar, Haneen Jenn and Shayma... you are awesome :D thanks guys!

  6. Ranoosh,, :'(((( can't say a word!! I love it,, I'm proud of you my little angel :*

  7. This is so sweet .Love your blog ,Rana.

    Follow each other.

  8. This article tastes of affection, tenderness, utmost love and care. Keep transforming love energy through your writings, this will heal you, me and the whole world. Thank you!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Nice warmth to these words. More than nice actually.
